If you don’t have GP-S in your area, we always recommend getting in touch to see if we can support you with setting up a GP-S service local to you
However, if you need support in the meantime why not try one of these:
NHS Practitioner Health This is a mental health support organisation specifically for those working in the NHS. Doctors and Dentists in England, or Scotland & doctors in Guernsey, Regulated health and care professionals in Scotland and Staff Grade 8d or above in England can access through self referral and all other staff can access the service via referral from their local mental health/wellbeing hub.
Staff Wellbeing Hubs These are localised hubs that can offer a clinical assessment and referral to local services such as talking therapy and counselling separate to your organisation. It is open to all health and social care staff, from all services and settings. You can self-refer or refer a colleague (with their consent).
Wellbeing Apps There are a number of free wellbeing apps available for NHS colleagues including mindfulness support and more.
Local Medical Committees These organisations are bodies representing and supporting local GPs who pay a levy or work in a levy paying practice.
Training Hubs These organisations are local to your area and provide Primary Care staff with education and training resources from NHS organisations.
This is not an exhaustive list of resources but will hopefully help you get started with accessing further support. Our mentors all have access to a large range of resources that they’re able to share with clients easily.