
Suffolk and North East Essex GP Fellowship

New SNEE Training Hub Logo

Suffolk and North East Essex ICB have teamed up with GP-S to provide mentoring to all New to Practice GP fellows* in the area. To find out more about what this means in practice, take a look at the options below.

*GP Fellowships are run by NHSE and offer a two-year programme of support, available to all newly-qualified GPs and nurses working substantively in general practice, with an explicit focus on working within and across a Primary Care Network (PCN).

What is the offer and how to access

You can find the full NHSE Scheme guidance here but we’ll simplify it for you here.

The scheme aims to provide support for Fellows through mentoring. All Fellows can access mentoring throughout their 24 month fellowship for free with a local active GP mentor. The virtual sessions will take place once a month and last an hour in total. Their aim is to provide you with support through high quality mentoring and you can use the sessions to work on any personal or professional issue or opportunity you may encounter.

To access the service

Contact GP-S and confirm the service you’d like to access (Mid and South Essex Fellow Mentoring).
You will then receive a reply from the GP-S team within three working days and be asked to complete an online referral form.
Once this is complete, you will be given the names and availability of 3-4 mentors for you to decide who you’d like to access your sessions with.
The confirmed mentor will then be formally linked with you and will make contact to introduce themselves, start planning an initial session and send over contracting information within two weeks.
Mentors will then work with you over the course of your fellowship to provide up to 24 one hour sessions. You may be asked to provide feedback via an online form, emailed to you directly, at certain stages.
At the end of your fellowship, you will be notified by your mentor that sessions are closing and will be asked to complete a final feedback form.

Am I eligible?

The scheme is accessible to all GP Fellows completing their fellowship within Suffolk and North East Essex. If you’re not sure if this relates to you, contact the SNEE training hub.

How do I access the service?

If this all sounds like something that may benefit you, visit our contact form for more info or to get matched up with a mentor.